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Beginner's Mind - Not Knowing It All When Living with Spondylitis

Posted on July 27, 2018

"The moment I received my official diagnosis, I dropped all my assumptions about spondylitis. It was so freeing." -Member of MySpondylitisTeam

Living with a chronic condition can be difficult and even a burden, but also an opportunity to rid yourself of what you think you know.

Have you heard the saying, "People don't get it until they get it"? That is so true about spondylitis.

"The more I learn about spondylitis, the more I realize that it's not my fault." -Member of MySpondylitisTeam

A spondylitis diagnosis forces us to drop our negative assumptions about life with a chronic condition. Members on MySpondylitisTeam gain perspective from other members' experiences to become better informed about what it's really like to live with spondylitis.

Here are recent conversations from members of MySpondylitisTeam:

What negative assumptions have you let go of about spondylitis? Tell us about it in the comments below or directly on

Posted on July 27, 2018

A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have been reading comments and following this site for a while, however have never posted anything. I was diagnosed with AS a few years ago. Like some of you, I was in denial and very overwhelmed… read more

posted January 23
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