I have AFib will this medicine affect it.
I also have rheumatologist who put me on savella this seems to help but I'm still pain and legs get shaking.have other meds too. Day by day. I hope you truly get right meds get feeling better
Femoral Bone Marrow Lesions?
Are chondroid lesions within the bone marrow of the femur typical for Spondylitis sufferers? I have one almost a full cm in length in my upper femur close to the hip joint. My orthopedic surgeon didn't point it out and I read online that it's not uncommon, rarely cancerous. I saw it on my MRI and it's mentioned in the Radiologist report. I'm wondering if it's a typical symptom of Spondylitis.
I'm so sorry Pam. I'm at a rare loss for words. I cannot imagine the agony you must be experiencing with the loss of your soul mate support. Wow, what an awful blow.😔Thinking of you and hoping for a… read more
Have You Had Your Children Tested For HLA-B27?
Whenever my children complain about pain or ongoing health issues, I find myself panicking. Which I know is not helpful. I wonder if testing them would make things BETTER (as perhaps we/they could be proactive in avoiding environmental triggers, how they eat and how they manage stress) or if it would make things WORSE as perhaps they would get paranoid about each little pain/ailment. What are your thoughts?
Suzannega, I am sorry to hear of your struggles and those of your children. I am sure it is difficult to know they have these issues to handle
I fully agree on your take on diet... you have no… read more