Any Tips For Toenail Care? Details Below Including Fused Back, Scoliosis, And Extremely Arthritic Deformed Feet.
My upper back is fused and my lower back has double S curve plus fusing. My feet are both badly disfigured with arthritis. One was so bad, they had to amputate a toe. I have to cut slits in my one pair of shoes. All of this impacts my ability to take care of my nails. It is extremely painful to work on them. Plus, I don't get out so having them done wouldn't work
D/O's: Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lupus, Addisons, Scoliosis, chronic anemia, hyponatremia, neuropathy, hypothyroidism, Hypoglycemia… read more
I have never looked into home healthcare. Maybe it's time to check into it. Thank you!
Medical pedicure from home healthcare.
Some Podiatrists can visit you at home to cut your nails. I used to be a care giver for an old lady, and her podiatrist used to visit her monthly to take care of her toe nails. I don't know if it's an option for you but you could try.
Given your conditions, here are some tips for toenail care that might help:
1. Trim Nails Short: Keeping your nails short can help prevent them from lifting off your toes and reduce buildup under the nails
2. Long-Handled Nail Clippers: Consider using long-handled nail clippers to make it easier to reach your toenails.
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How You Guys Manage To Cut Nails On Foot, Thanks,for Me Everytime Is Struggle.Thanks And Stay Positive.