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Is Spondylitis The Same As. Spondylolisthesis!

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Columbia, MO
April 30, 2018
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

No. It is not the same. Spondylisthesis is a slip in the vertebrae from the column. It's graded, 1 thru 5. 1 being the least severe, 5 being a full 100% slip. C days are the only measure to d's if it's stable or not. If it's unstable, surgery is most likely indicated. Spondylitis is an arthritis located in the spine, but sometimes travels to other joints and can cause deterioration and pain throughout the body.

May 9, 2018
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

once the diagnosis it is my suggestion that you seek out a brace for your back it might just help what is happening to you or at least slow it down some at the point where you have been diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis your discs are already moved to the next stage and are pushing in on the spinal cord in some way and become almost unbearable pain which is happening to me right now I hope this helps with your question

May 7, 2018
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

spondylitis is the first stage of spondylothesis the discs are starting to move it is very painful it this point you might be able to get a fit brace to try and stop or at least slow down the slippage I have many of them and let me tell you I only wish I had been wise enough to ask for a brace to help control it but heck I didn't even know what that was then ask to have a back brace made to help and hope you get it in time Good luck my friend

May 7, 2018
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

yes it is, what this means is that your discs are slipping and causing the disc to impede on the spinal cord that is how I got the diagnosis of paraparesis which means I will be paralyzed from the waist down soon,please don't wait for answers get them I wish I had been more adamant about the diagnosis might have helped me

May 6, 2018
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have spondylolisthesis. One of the vertebra has slipped out of alignment. In my case it is caused by degenerative disc disease.

May 16, 2018

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